Hvar? Sign me up for THAT.

How did you Find THAT Island?

If you’ve ever thought to yourself…where do people hear about and find all these gorgeous small islands that I’ve never even heard of? My guess is research. Research? You mean I have to work? For vacation? Nah. But to be fair had we not researched we would have never found this little gem known as Hvar. 

Hvar is found off the coast of Croatia and let me tell you it did not disappoint. It is still one of the most beautiful places that I have ever visited – I cannot say enough about the beauty of the island and the water that surrounds it. It is actually well known amongst Europeans for musical festivals. Just as an FYI we didn’t get that memo. (If that says anything to you about our “research” abilities) I wish we had though. It just happened that the day we visited, one of these said festivals was going on. But we were just visiting for a few hours and opted against a mission to find out how to gain entry. (I would have liked one of those cute bracelets though) But it looks like an awesome place to go party with friends. (see I made it easy for you – plans for your next vacation? Done!) 

So if we didn’t go to this festival then what did we do? Be lame tourists? Yah maybe I guess so. If eating gelato, soaking up some sun at the beach, and finding some of the most beautiful landscapes (waterscapes?) makes me a lame tourist, then sign me up!

Wanderlust Travel Tip:

For the best view from Hvar

Head up to Fortica. It’s a fortress at the top of a hill and believe me when I say, for the best views, this where to go. We walked up a trail to get to the fortress. If you aren’t the most avid of climbers, car access to the top is also available. Enjoy!